Tag: Home Buying

Posted on 10/20/2024
Applying for a house: Here's what's involved
Do you know all the steps involved in applying for a house?...
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Posted on 08/27/2023
Questions to Ask When Finding a New Place to Live
Home buying is difficult whether you know the area or not. If you're leaving a location you're used to, it can be overwhelming to decide on a new place to live. There are some questions you can ask to determine your priorities and whether a new location is a good fit. Here are some to begin with: How's...
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Posted on 02/19/2023
The First Questions to Ask About a New Neighborhood
Buying the house itself is only part of home buying. When you buy a new home, you choose a brand new place to live. In some cases, that place might be unfamiliar or far away from where you lived before. So, it's important to keep the local area in mind during your search. But how can you determine...
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Posted on 12/25/2022
How to start buying a house
With so many steps involved, answering the question of how to start buying a house can seem daunting. However, there are some basic steps you can take to make the process more manageable before you get to the home inspection and final purchase of your home. Here are some of the basic things you need to do to...
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Posted on 05/22/2022
The Pros and Cons of Home Warranties
Today, the home buying process usually includes purchasing a home warranty. Home warranties can provide additional financial protection for major home appliances such as plumbing fixtures and electrical systems. While very popular among many homeowners, home warranties are not perfect for everyone. Here we’ll go through the main pros and cons of home warranties for better understanding of...
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Posted on 10/10/2021
Advantages and Disadvantages of Buying a Forever Home
For many prospective homebuyers, the thought of waiting for a forever home instead of a starter home can be tempting. After all, there are plenty of advantages to patience and careful saving until you can afford or find the house that’s perfect for you and your future plans. However, there are downsides to consider. Here we’ll go over...
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